0105 - When the Lights Go Out with Ruth Myors

Welcome to More Than a Cake-Stall, a podcast that explores the ways in which women of the Presbyterian Church of New South Wales (PCNSW) have used the gifts God has given them – however big or small - in service of the Kingdom.  

In Season 1, we are partnering with Jericho Road, the justice and mercy arm of the PCNSW , to share stories of how women, in the past and present, have used the gifts God has given them in justice and mercy ministries. 


In Episode 5, Ruth Myors shares about her 20+ years in Somalia and Ethiopia, where she served as a midwife and nurse, and the traumatic experiences that led her to establish a pioneer ministry on her return to Australia: equipping and supporting missionaries and ministry workers.

Just a note, in this discussion, Ruth shares about a traumatic experience in Ethiopia, in which she was kidnapped and raped. The conversation is not explicit, but we understand that this discussion might be distressing for some listeners. If you do find it distressing, we encourage you to reach out to a trusted Church member or Christian counsellor to talk about the impact of this conversation on you.


We’d love to hear thoughts, questions and feedback? Get in touch with us at sysiu@pcnsw.org.au. 

Show Notes 

Ruth Myor’s book, When The Lights Go Out, is available to purchase from Koorong books as an ebook or paperback.

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