Building a Women's Ministry

Building a women’s ministry

An example of the general aim of the women’s ministry at the local church level may be:
“To be gracious, truth loving, Christ loving, distinct disciples who are growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus.” (LJ Duncan & S.Hunt, Womens Ministry in the Local Church, 2006, p50)

This aim may involve the following:

To see women come to the saving knowledge of Jesus (evangelism).

To see women developed, grown and matured in their faith (discipleship).

To see women trained and equipped in ministry skills (training).

To see women cared for, provided for and loved while encouraged to keep trusting Jesus in all their life circumstances (pastoral care).

A Biblical and healthy women’s ministry will be one which teaches women to love the church and so the church needs to love women and women’s ministry.

Developing a Women’s Ministry Team, which has membership of various women from different congregations and life stages can be a valuable step in establishing the goals and principle tasks of the ministry work. It is important that the establishment of these goals and principle tasks is done through a process of both male and female leaders within the church working together in a mutually respectful, open and constructive way.

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