
The Living Room: Thriving as Parents in Ministry

Families in ministry often feel scrutinized, like living in a fishbowl. 'Fishbowl to Coral Reef: Thriving as Parents in Ministry' reimagines this challenge, proposing ways for ministry families to flourish, becoming an vibrant, healthy ecosystem that is blessing to themselves, and to others. This talk emphasizes the importance of secure attachments between parents and children, fostering a sense of emotional safety and understanding crucial for thriving under the public gaze.

We'll explore self-care strategies for parents, underscoring the idea that caring for oneself is essential for nurturing a healthy family dynamic. Additionally, the session will provide insights on balancing ministry demands with family needs and offer tools to help children develop resilience, empathy, and a sense of belonging.

Join us to learn how to transform the pressures of ministry life into a thriving, vibrant ecosystem where families can grow and flourish together.

Register here.

*This event will be recorded and shared to our youtube channel*

The Living Room: Church Family Across the Generations

The government has been warning us for decades - an aging population presents economic challenges. But it also presents urgent questions for the Church.

What are the Biblical patterns of responsibility for the elderly? How do we embrace the elderly members of our church, and thrive in multigenerational church communities?

Meg Lachmnund has worked for Presbyterian Aged Care for more than ten years and is committed to kingdom work.

Register here

*This event will be recorded and shared to our youtube channel*

The Living Room: Titus 2 Women

After Jesus’ death and resurrection, but before he ascended to heaven, he gave his disciples this final command - “Go and make disciples of all nations”. As disciples of Jesus, this command remains the same for us today. In Titus 2, we see how, as women, we have a unique responsibility to be discipling the next generation of female disciples.

Clare Merkel will help us reflect on how we are living lives that are promoting gospel truth. And how we can be teaching and training others – particularly women – how to be living lives that reflect gospel truth, through the fostering of Titus 2 relationships.

Register here

*This event will be recorded and shared to our youtube channel*

Nourished - An online Spiritual Retreat with Christine Mao

Register here

*This event will not be recorded.*

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