Resolved by the General Assembly of NSW on Wednesday, 13th July, 2022
That the Assembly:
1. Thank all those who gave feedback and good workable ideas to our paper “Co-Heirs and Co-Workers: The Engagement of Women in Decision Making of the PCNSW.”
2. Encourage each Session to consider how best to identify and train and set apart women of suitable character, commitment and training to help them with the pastoral care and decision-making processes that operate within their church.
3. Encourage each Session to consider how best (within their local contexts and theological beliefs) to engage with women in key decisions of the Church that affect them. Some options suggested by our survey respondents to be considered area.
4. Encourage each Presbytery to establish a group of women of suitable character, commitment and training and consider their inclusion when dealing with all complaints and disciplinary processes undertaken by the Presbytery.
5. Encourage each Presbytery to establish a group of women of suitable character, commitment and training and consider their inclusion when Ministry Candidates Committees are set up.
6. Encourage each Presbytery to establish a group of women of suitable character, commitment and training and consider their inclusion when doing either Special or General Parish Visitations.
7. Note that the Pastoral Relations Commission already has in its regulations the provision to invite "one or more ministers, elders or communicants to join the Commission for a particular case but without voting rights." Encourage the Pastoral Relations Commission to consider including a female communicant each time they are presented with a new case.
8. Thank the Conciliation Committee for being willing to talk to the Women’s Ministry Committee about engaging suitably qualified women in the regular work of the committee.
9. Encourage the Conciliation Committee to co-opt women to the committee (as allowed under regulation A4.02) and to routinely include women in the teams allocated to deal with disputes or conflict.
10. Endorse the following Statement of Affirmation recognising the value of women as fellow image bearers and necessary partners in the life of the PCNSW:
11. Appoint a Special Committee known as the Women’s Engagement Working Group to explore, discuss and bring recommendations to the GA2023 concerning how the Assembly can better include women in the decision-making forums of PCNSW, consisting of Rev Stephen Taylor (Convener), Rev. David Burke, Mr Jeof Falls, Rev. Kamal Weerakoon, Ms Margaret McKenzie, Mrs Elizabeth McClean, Mrs. Anna Moss, Dr. Deb Tattersall, Mr Graeme Wong See, and Rev John Irvin.