About TTW

For the last 15 years, Teaching and Training Women run bi-annual events in the Sydney metropolitan area on Saturday mornings so that busy women, those who are carers and those that have various responsibilities, can duck out for a short time to be encouraged, learn some new skills and enjoy the company of other Christian women.

We are aiming to serve the Lord Jesus and build His kingdom by

1) encouraging women to use their gifts more confidently. Many women lack the confidence to take on leadership and / or to become involved in church activities and use their gifts. Therefore, we want to grow their relationship with the Lord Jesus and we offer training in pastoral ministries. So far we have dealt with topics such as understanding grief, running a Bible study group, influencing our children for the Lord, evangelism, bridging generations.

2) training women to teach / preach God’s Word well. We train women to know and handle their Bibles well, give exegetical and evangelistic talks, and to write and lead bible studies. For too long women have struggled on their own with little help and training. Our training mornings also provide opportunities for women to use their teaching gifts.

3) demonstrating the quality and variety of women’s ministries in our denomination. At our training mornings we pray for various Presbyterian ministries, interview women involved in these ministries and provide role models of ordinary women living out their faith.

Teaching & Training Women come under the Women’s Ministry Committee. You’ll find recordings of their latest events on youtube.

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